Food & travel/ Sweet

Santiago cake

tarta de santiago

Santiago cake is a sweet almond cake that is at its best when you eat it just a little bit warm. This cake is a traditional cake from Santiago de Compostela and is easy to recognize because of the Santiago cross on the cake. The first time I ate a piece of Santiago cake was not in Santiago de Compostela but on my way walking there on the camino in Galicia Spain. After a whole day walking a piece of cake is always nice, but the Santiago cake really surprised me. It was soft, sweet and had a hint of citrus fruits.

Once I got home,  I wanted to make the Santiago cake myself. But thinking it was a hard cake to make and knowing I am not a good baker it never happened. But I couple of weeks ago on request I baked this cake. And I turned out one of the most simple cakes to bake, the prove was that I baked it right the first time 😉

I think the hardest thing of the Santiago cake is cutting out the cross neatly….

Santiago cake

Print Recipe
Serves: 8 Cooking Time: 45 minutes


  • 250 gr of almond flour
  • 250 gr of sugar
  • 5 eggs
  • zest of 1 orange
  • teaspoon of vanilla essence
  • casting sugar to top
  • tablespoon of butter to crease the cake tin



Grease a cake tin of 24 ø centimeter


Preheat the oven at 180 C/360 F


Mix together the eggs, sugar, vanilla essence and orange zest


Add the almond flour and mix the batter together


Pour the batter into a cake tin and bake for 20 till 25 minutes


The cake is done when the middle is set and the edges start to colour


While the cake is baking, cut out the Santiago cross


When the cake is baked and cooled down, put the cross on top and sprinkle icing sugar on top


Carefully remove the paper cross


When you want a smaller cake just half all the ingredients and get a smaller cake tin. The baking time will be around 15 till 20 minutes for a smaller cake. Instead of orange you can also make this cake with lemon zest.


almond cake


bake santiago cake

santiago cake mold

Santiago cross mold

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